Join us at Lilian Place Museum for an evening of
History, Spirits and Legends!
An exclusive paranormal investigation of Daytona's oldest beachside house!
Lilian Place 1884 Museum
111 Silver Beach, Daytona Beach
From 8-10pm you join in the paranormal experience!
Limited space nightly! Purchase your ticket today!
Choose your night below to ghost hunt!

*VIP Ghost Investigation
$40 (+tax & fees) per person
includes investigations on the
1st, 2nd & "3rd" floors of the Museum
(for ages 13-adult)

Orb and Flashlight at Lilian Place
The Victorians loved their traditions, etiquette, and of course- a good ghost story! Spiritualism – the belief that the dead communicate with the living- became highly popular in the in the Victorian Era, and communing with spirits became a wide spread Parlor activity.
Believer and skeptics alike will enjoy the evening ghost hunting after dark in the period rooms of the historic museum!
Touted by many as, “the most haunted house in Daytona Beach,” Lilian Place has become a highly popular place for investigating paranormal activities — occurrences that fall outside of what’s considered normal or that can’t be explained scientifically.
Learn the history of the former residents and the legendary ghostly activity. There are lots of true stories of haunts to share.
For decades, unexplained happenings have been reported at Lilian Place! Come discover who these spirits may be.
Cameras are setup to capture any activity. You join the investigation and become the ghost hunter! Conduct an ACTUAL ghost hunt utilizing professional investigative equipment (with the guidance of Lilian Place investigators) to possibly communicate with the former inhabitants of Lilian Place and the local area!
Space is limited. Don't wait to choose your night above and purchase your ticket to Ghost Hunt!
Lilian Place - 111 Silver Beach, Daytona Beach
(beachside just over the Orange Ave. Bridge)
History, Spirits and Legends events at Lilian Place
***All photos, EVPs, etc. captured are for your entertainment and may not be published on social media or any media without express approval from Lilian Place.
***Outside paranormal teams who wish to investigate should contact us at admin@lilianplacehc.org for additional fees.
All credit/debit/paypal charges will be under Heritage Preservation Trust/Lilian Place/Hotchkiss House. We are a 501c3 nonprofit. All proceeds go toward the preservation of 1884 Lilian Place and 1905 Hotchkiss House and the beautiful 2.5 acres of riverfront property. Saved through Volusia County ECHO grants.